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Israeli Movie Night in the Sukkah

Challah 4 Hunger Selling

Where: University of PittsburghnWhat: Challah 4 Hunger will be selling fresh baked challah in the William Pitt Union from 11:30-1:00 PM.Proceeds benefit Mazon and the Squirrel Hill Food Pantry.

Shabbat at Hillel- Shake it like a Lulav!

Join us during Sukkot for our "Shake it like a Lulav" Shabbat!nLearner’s service with discussion and ortodox services at 6:30. Dinner at7:30. Walking groups leaving Tower’s Lobby at 6:15/7:15.

Friendship Circle Info Session

Come to Hillel at 5pm on Wednesday, October 26th to learn about an amazing organization just down the road from us in Squirrel Hill: TheFriendship Circle. There are many opportunities to get involved and be a friend! Please join us at the info session to learn more about the organization and how you could be… read more

Ishmail Khaldi- A Shepherd's Journey

Ismail Khaldi, the first Bedouin diplomat in the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs, will be sharing his story with students at the Hillel JUC on October 26- From Bedouin Shepherd to Israeli Diplomat!nnJoin us from 5-7 for this awesome event. To RSVP, go to our Facebook page and click “going”:

Greek Shabbat

Join Pitt's Greek Jewish community at the Sigma Alpha Mu hill house for a yummy Shabbat Meal at 5:30 pm, on Friday, November 4th.

Jewish Bus Tour of Pittsburgh

Join us as we explore Pittsburgh from a Jewish perspective. The bus tour will take us all over Pittsburgh, and our guide will teach us all about our rich Jewish History! Use the link below to confirm your seat on the bus!nnRSVP Here:

Phi Hoops

Come to Alpha Epsilon Phi's 3rd annual Phi Hoops Tournament.nIt is a 5 on 5 basketball tournament. All proceeds will be donated to Sharsheret, a non-profit organization that helps those affected by breast cancer and ovarian cancer. New this year: for all you WNBA stars there will be awomen’s league as well as a men’s… read more

Student Leadership Dinner (Invite Only)

Student Leaders of Hillel are invited to our November Student Leadership Dinner on Monday, November 7th from 5-6pm in the Hillel building.nnThis will be an informal dinner to show our appreciation for all of your hard work and dedication, and to catch-up with everyone and touch base before the end of the semester. Please RSVP… read more

CMU Spirituality Month!

Spirituality Development Month is a showcase of spiritual, religious, and interfaith life at Carnegie Mellon. Watch for more information about Spirituality Development Month programs and events!nnSee events throughout the month:

CMU Shabbat On-Campus

Services & Discussion at 6:30pm in CUC Dowd, Dinner at 7:30pmin CUC Danforth.nnAll CMU students are welcome to join the Hillel JewishStudent Association for an On-Campus Shabbat Experience. Come for an enlightening, interpersonal discussion about the story of Noah and the Ark, followed by a kosher dinner. Enjoy a taste of Jewish knowledge, a comfortable… read more

21+ Hillel Happy Hour

Please join us for a Hillel Happy Hour at Hemingway's Cafe! Wewill share some beer pitchers and celebrate fall as we get ready to finishoff first semester. Must be 21+ to attend! RSVP by November 1!nnNovember3, 5:00-7:00 PMnHemingway’s Cafe, Forbes AvenuenRSVP Here:

21+ Designing Your Jewish Life with Danielle Kranjec

This Friday, join us for an alternative Shabbat experience: Designing Your Jewish Life with SJE, Danielle Kranjec! Come discuss what your Jewish life will look like after college, how to be a young professional and a Jew, and how to find your community in your future hometown!nNovember 18, 5:30 PMnHillel JUC, Activities Roomn*21+ Event*nnTo RSVP,… read more

Social Justice Lunch and Learn

November Social Justice Lunch and LearnnDescription: Join us for a discussion over lunch about different learning abilities.nTime: 12-1PMnLocation: 6th Floor WPU; Fishbowl RoomnStudent Leaders: Abby SternnStaff: HeathernMaterials/Supplies: Paper goods, tableclothes, sign-in sheetnFood: bagels, lox, cream cheese?nFacebook: TBDn

Hot Chocolate for a Hot Meal

Stop by and purchase fresh hot chocolate and chocolate chip cookies to help support the Squirrel Hill Food Pantry! We’ll be tabling outside of the William Pitt Union and by the Fence at CMU.nnHot Chocolate- $1nMix Ins- $0.25nCookies- $0.50nnAll proceeds support the Squirrel Hill Food Pantry, which provides nutritious meal supplements to local residents in… read more

Kristalnacht Program

The Annual Commemoration of KristallnachtnWednesday November 9, 2016n4:30-5:30 pmnIsrael Heritage Room (337 Cathedral of Learning)nnSurvivor’s Account by Solange LebowitznReadings by Students in the “Germany Today” class and Dr. Amy Colinnn

Jewish Astronaut Speaker

Throughout Dr. Jay Apt's career at NASA, he completed four flights and logged over 847 hours (35 days) in space, including 10 hours and49 minutes on two space walks. He has flown around the Earth 562 times.nnnnIn 2003, Dr. Apt joined the faculty of Carnegie Mellon University where he is a Full Professor at the… read more

Shabbat Day

Shabbat Day at Hillel is back! Stop by the building anytime for food, games, learning, praying, and more!nn9:30am – Minyann12:00pm- LunchnAll afternoon – Games, napping, reading, and hanging outn7:30pm – Maariv and havdalah

Mocktail Hour Shabbat

Throwback to your bar mitzvah days and join Hillel for a Mocktail Hour Shabbat! Come dress up and enjoy mini hot dogs, latkes, and muchmore…nnDue to daylight savings, Shabbat at Hillel will begin at 5:30PM with a very special “Mocktail Hour” which will showcase all of our incredible umbrella organizations and student groups with delicious… read more

Vino and Vinyasa (21+)

Vino and Vinyasa: 21+ Jewish Yoga and Study BreaknJoin us fora pre-finals yoga session lead by our own Jillian Bunis! We’ll unwind withsome relaxing vinyasa yoga followed healthy snacks and wine. Make sure to bring your yoga mat or bath towel!nnWednesday, December 7, 8:30-9:30 PMn3rd Floor of HillelnFree to attend, please RSVP by December 5!… read more

CMU JSA Orientation Week Reunion

Remember Orientation Week!? Remember meeting all of your new friends?nnHillel JSA invites all of our friends in the Class of 2020 to reconnect and relive their first week as a Tartan! Meet up with your fellow freshmen after your first semester and catch up over pizza!nn

Hillel Makes a Difference Day of Service

Join us for the second annual Stephen D. Kalson Hillel Makes ADifference on November 13 2016! An amazing day of Tikkun Olam (repairing the world) that will be fun and beneficial to all involved! HMADD will run from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM.nnService sites include:nAnimal Rescue LeaguenChallah for Hunger nCircles East Liiberty nHillman Cancer Center… read more

CMU Interfaith Thanksgiving Table

Join the Hillel Jewish Student Association, the Muslim Student Association, and the Interfellowship Association, and the InterVarsity Christian Fellowship for dinner and discussion! Come meet other CMU students from different faith and spirituality backgrounds to find commonalities in our interests, values, and foods!nnSponsored by Jewish Student Association, Muslim Student Association, & InterVarsity Fellowshipnn

Hillel JSA Elections Meeting

Election season isn't over just yet – the next JSA Executive Board will be elected on Thursday, November 17, at 8:30pm in Doherty A302, and you all have the opportunity to participate! nnPositions up for election are President, Vice President, Operations Chair, Education Chair,and Networking Chair. For more information on the board structure, position responsibilities,… read more

Make N Take Mezuzahs

Come out to decorate your own personal mezuzahs to bring back and hang up in your dorm or apartment. Since post students can’t put holes in the wall, we’ll also provide some command strips to help! Snacks and refreshments will be served!nn

Hillel Chanukah Formal

Come spin the night away at Chanukah themed Hillel Formal. There will be amazing latkas, fun raffle prizes and of course course dancing!To enter, either bring $5 with you or a non-perishable food donation.nn

Gluten Free Baking

GF BakingnDescription: GF BakingnTime: 6-8PMnStudent Leader: Jori NewmannStaff: HeathernMaterials: N/AnFood: Mini Gluten Free Pumpkin PiesnFacebook:

Tartans4Israel weekly meeting- Israel and Agriculture

How can you feed a nation where the water supply is always decreasing, and half the country is desert? What do you know about Israel’s water problems? Come learn some amazing things and share an opinion on what’s going on.nn

Hillel JSU Elections Speeches

Elections SpeechesnDescription: Candidates gather to give speeches and answer questions about why they intended to run for a position onthe Hillel Jewish Student Union.nTime: 9-10PMnLocation: CL 226nStudent Leaders: Meital Rosenberg, Sydney Pacelli nStaff: HeathernMaterials: N/AnFood: N/AnFacebook:

Hot Chocolate for a Hot Meal (Hump Day Hot Chocolate)

Stop by and purchase fresh hot chocolate and chocolate chip cookies to help support the Squirrel Hill Food Pantry! We’ll be tabling outside by The Fence!nnHot Chocolate- $1nMix Ins- $0.25nCookies- $0.50nnAll proceeds support the Squirrel Hill Food Pantry, which provides nutritious meal supplements to local residents in need. Do your part this holiday season and… read more

Gaga Tournament

Step into the gaga pit, and get ready to take on your friendsin an afternoon of games, pizza and Soda. We’ll be playing several roundsof gaga, in combination with other side games you probably played at camp(4-square etc.) for a few hours of fun! We will be up at Bellefield hall in the gym, can’t… read more

Jewish Federation of North America General Assembly

The GA convenes thousands of volunteer and professional leaders from Federations across North America, along with those in the business of Jewish philanthropy from around the world.nnThis premier annual conference will take you on a journey to explore how Federations help shape purposeful Jewish communities. And how our movement has forged a course that continues… read more

Shabbat at Hillel

Shabbat at HillelnDescription: 5:30 services; 6:30 dinnernLocation: Hillel JUCnStudent Leaders: Jamie Schachter and Jori NewmannMaterials: n/anFood: see shabbat docnFacebook: TBD

Shabbat at Hillel

Shabbat at HillelnDescription: 5:30 services; 6:30 dinnernLocation: Hillel JUCnStudent Leaders: Jamie Schachter and Jori NewmannMaterials: n/anFood: see shabbat docnFacebook: TBD

Late Night Ask Big Questions: Gift Exchange Edition

Event: Late Night Ask Big Questions: Gift Exchange EditionnDescription: Hillel will provide 1/2 off pizzas at the Porch while we have anABQ discussion relating to Chanukah and have a small $5 white elephant gift exchange.nTime: 10-11PMnLocation: The PorchnStudent Leaders: Brian Burke and Matt WechtnStaff: HeathernFood: 1/2 off pizzas at The PorchnFacebook: TBD

The Shabbat Experience with Chancellor Gallagher and Chabad

The Shabbat Experience with Chancellor Gallagher and ChabadnEnjoy Shabbat dinner at Hillel with Chancellor Gallagher followed by a second meal at the Pitt Chabad house on campus!nLocation: Hillel JUC followed by Pitt Chabad housenMaterials: N/A nFood: DeenanFacebook: TBD

Pitt Greek Team: Eight Crazy Nights Watch Party

Event Name: Eight Crazy Nights Watch PartynDescription: Join the Greek Team in your sweats to relax and enjoy an Adam Sandler classic before finals!nLocation: Sigma Alpha Mu HousenStudent Leader: Andrew SilberfeldnStaff: N/A (Annie?)nMaterials: DVD from Hillel; TV/projectornFood:PopcornnFacebook: TBD

Jews of Social Work: Pre-finals Self-Care and Massage Night

Event Name: Jews of Social Work: Pre-finals Self-Care and Massage NightnDescription: JSW hosting a self-care event with tips and activities to de-stress for finals and massages.nTime: 9-10PMnLocation: CL 358nStudent Leader: Abby SternnStaff: RachelnMaterials: N/AnFood: N/A nFacebook: TBD

Gluten Free Baking: Chanukah Cookies!

Event: Gluten Free Baking: Chanukah CookiesnDescription: Baking GF sugar cookies, discussing Chanukah, decorating; pre-event to Late Night ABQ at the PorchnTime: 6-8PMnLocation: HillelnStudent Leaders: Jori NewmannStaff: HeathernMaterials: Jewish learning handoutsnFood: all ingredients we have in the kitchen alreadyn

Israeli Dancing

Description: Israeli DancingnTime: 7:30-9 PMnLocation: Activity Room- HillelnStudent Leaders: Emily PullmannStaff: ElinanMaterials: TBDnFood: N/AnFacebook: Beginning of January

Pesach III (CH''M)

Passover, the Feast of Unleavened Breadnn

Pesach II

Passover, the Feast of Unleavened Breadnn

Pesach I

Passover, the Feast of Unleavened Breadnn

Erev Pesach

Passover, the Feast of Unleavened Breadnn

Pesach VI (CH''M)

Passover, the Feast of Unleavened Breadnn

Pesach V (CH''M)

Passover, the Feast of Unleavened Breadnn

Pesach IV (CH''M)

Passover, the Feast of Unleavened Breadnn

Pesach VIII

Passover, the Feast of Unleavened Breadnn

Pesach VII

Passover, the Feast of Unleavened Breadnn

Chanukah: 5 Candles

The Jewish festival of rededication, also known as the Festival of Lightsnn

Chanukah: 4 Candles

The Jewish festival of rededication, also known as the Festival of Lightsnn


Purim is one of the most joyous and fun holidays on the Jewishcalendarnn

Shushan Purim

Purim celebrated in Jerusalem and walled citiesnn

Yom HaShoah

Holocaust Memorial Daynn

Yom HaZikaron

Israeli Memorial Daynn

Shavuot I

Festival of Weeks, commemorates the giving of the Torah at Mount Sinainn

Erev Shavuot

Festival of Weeks, commemorates the giving of the Torah at Mount Sinainn

Lag B'Omer

33rd day of counting the Omernn

Tish'a B'Av

The Ninth of Av, fast commemorating the destruction of the two Templesnn

Erev Tish'a B'Av

The Ninth of Av, fast commemorating the destruction of the two Templesnn

Shavuot II

Festival of Weeks, commemorates the giving of the Torah at Mount Sinainn

Tu B'Av

Jewish holiday of love, similar to Valentine's Daynn

Yom Kippur

Day of Atonementnn

Rosh Hashana II

The Jewish New Yearnn

Erev Sukkot

Feast of Tabernaclesnn

Sukkot II

Feast of Tabernaclesnn

Sukkot I

Feast of Tabernaclesnn

Shmini Atzeret

Eighth Day of Assemblynn