From Keshet: For LGBTQ equality in Jewish life ( Resource Library, which includes a basic LGBTQ terminology sheet and our Building Inclusive Communities Guide for Hillels PowerPoint
Work for a Jewish Organization!
Summer Internships CLIP at the NYU Bronfman Center Jewish Community Listings Schusterman Family Foundation’s CareerHub Hillel Listings
Attend a Conference!
Check out this list of conferences compiled ongoingly by Hillels ! Collegiate Jewish Conferences Masorti on Campus (student-run) Shabbaton: Approximate Time: February Approximate Location: Hosted at a different Hillel each year Approximate Cost: ~$100 Jewish Communal Conferences JFNA General Assembly: Approximate Time: October Approximate Location: Usually difference each year (2018 will be in Tel… read more
Go-To Websites
Judaism Explained! Programmatic Resources! For Everything Jewish Calendar: For a Library of Source Sheets & a Simple Source Sheet Maker: For “Ask Big Questions” Guides: For LGBTQ Equality and Inclusion in Jewish life: For Kosher Food in Pittsburgh:
Help Welcome Our Incoming First-Year Students! (And Move-In Early On-Campus!)
Welcome Week with Hillel! Help welcome and greet our incoming class of Jewish students! Sunday, August 22 – Sunday, August 29 REGISTER BELOW!
Start a New Student-Run Community!
Interested in starting a new Jewish student-run community either on your campus or ‘cross-campuses’? Reach out to the staff member on your campus! University of Pittsburgh: Kari Semel, Director of Jewish Student Life at Pitt: [email protected] Carnegie Mellon University and All Other Campuses: Alex Zissman, Director of Jewish Student Life at CMU: [email protected]
Schedule for Guest-Speaker Dinners
All students currently involved in or students looking to become involved in any of our student-run communities/organizations, internships, and/or learning fellowship are welcome to attend the following leadership development opportunities. DETAILS TBA
2021 Jeannette C. Kalson Memorial Student Leadership Retreat
REGISTER BELOW! DATE & TIME: 9 AM to 9 PM on Wednesday, August 25, 2021 SCHEDULE: Start Time End Time Name Location 9:00 AM 9:30 AM Meet At Hillel JUC & Socially Distanced Breakfast Hillel JUC (4607 Forbes Ave.) 9:30 AM 10:00 AM Welcome & Why Hillel with Dan Marcus, CEO & Executive Director and… read more
Marketing Resources
Hillel JUC’s Linktree Page Social Media Marketing Request Form Hillel JUC Marketing & Branding One-Pager Guideline Contract for Student Access to Social Media Accounts Social Media Posting Guidelines Social Media | Accessible U (
Hillel JUC Student Leaders Handbook
LINK TO DOCUMENT This Handbook Includes: About Hillel JUC Student Ownership & Engagement COVID-19 Guidelines Marketing & Communications Operational Policies A Quick Guide to Jewish Knowledge Student Leaders FAQs LAST UPDATED: DEC. 2020