Welcome to the Hillel JUC family!

We are so excited to connect with your student! We are here to ensure that every Jewish student feels connected and supported during this exciting and challenging time in their lives. We’re fortunate to have a thriving and diverse Jewish community on campus. From chicken soup deliveries to holiday celebrations, weekly Shabbat dinners, Israel experiences, social justice programs, leadership development opportunities, and just a place to meet new friends, Hillel Jewish University Center of Pittsburgh (Hillel JUC) is at the heart of what makes being a college student in Pittsburgh so unique.
Sign up for Hillel JUC’s newsletter below to see what’s happening at Hillel JUC!

Want to enhance the experience for your Jewish students? Join Hillel JUC’s Parent Circle, a dedicated group which supports the ongoing advancement of Hillel JUC, which includes Hillel at Pitt and CMU-Hillel. 

Visiting on a Friday? Please join us for Shabbat dinner by filling out this form.

Want to see what students are up to? Follow us on Facebook @HillelJUC or Instagram @HillelJUC @CMUHillel or @HillelatPitt.

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