Our favorite holiday, the holiday for the trees, Tu B’shevat will be celebrated this year by making fruit art. We like to call it Frart (#FrArt on Instagram!) Stop by Connan room in the UC from 5:00 – 6:30 and make some fancy decorations that you can eat!
Havdallah & Winter Olympics Training (Ice Skating) with CMU Hillel
Get ready for the upcoming Winter Olympic Games at Schenley Park Ice Rink with your friends! Join us at 6PM by the CUC Black Chairs for Havdallah and then we will all head over to Schenley Park Ice Rink. Feel free to RSVP below:
Birthright Israel Information & Registration Session
Have questions about Birthright Israel? Want to learn about how to register? Come get all your questions answered!
Birthright Registration Brunch
Want to register for our Summer 2018 Birthright trip? Have questions about the experience? Or do you simply love a good brunch? Join us for a yummy kosher brunch, where you can also hear all about Birthright and even register for our summer 2018 bus.
Birthright Registration BBQ
Want to register for our Summer 2018 Birthright trip? Have questions about the experience? Or do you simply love a good BBQ? Join us for a delicious kosher BBQ, where you can also hear all about Birthright and even register for our summer 2018 bus.
Find us at Pitt Spring Activities Fair
We’re so excited to welcome you back to campus! You’re invited stop on by our table at Pitt’s Spring Activities Fair to learn about our upcoming programs, pre-register for our summer Birthright trip, and simply chat with our staff and student leaders. We’d love to meet each and every Jewish student, so please come say… read more
CMU Winter Activities Fair
Stop by the CMU Hillel and Birthright Israel tables at this year’s Winter Activities Fair!
CMU Turn Tartan Overnight Open House
Are you interested in or expecting to attend Carnegie Mellon University? Sign up for the Office of Admission’s Turn Tartan Overnight program and come visit Hillel to meet our staff and students.
A Night at SkyZone with AEPi at CMU
Start your semester by jumping higher at SkyZone while meeting the brothers of AEPi at CMU! SkyZone admissions sponsored by Hillel JUC & AEPi at CMU. RSVP below to reserve your ticket and get a carpool ride. Meet at 8:30 PM at the AEPi at CMU House by Forbes & Morewood. You won’t want to… read more
CMU OnCampus Shabbat: “Summer in January”
Welcome back to campus, Tartans! Let’s kick-off the semester with escaping the cold for “Summer in January” OnCampus Shabbat! We’ll start at 5:00 PM in CUC Peter/Wright/McKenna. Join us for a full kosher meal thanks to our generous sponsors. Feel free to RSVP below:
Panthers for Israel General Body Meeting
We kick off the semester with a General Body Meeting that is open for everyone, who is interested in being involved with P4I’s activities through out the year.
Hillel JSU & Panthers for Israel Present: Dr. Shakshuka
Celebrate your return to campus with a beloved Israeli meal: shakshuka – eggs poaches in tomato sauce. We’ll also have israeli salad, pita bread, cookies, and plenty of hummus. Stop on by anytime to enjoy dinner and chat with other students!
Chanukkah Menorah Lighting
Join us throughout finals as we light candles, welcoming in each new night of the festival of lights.
Chanukkah Menorah Lighting
Join us throughout finals as we light candles, welcoming in each new night of the festival of lights.
Chanukkah Menorah Lighting
Join us throughout finals as we light candles, welcoming in each new night of the festival of lights.
Chanukkah Menorah Lighting
Join us as we light candles, welcoming in each new night of the festival of lights.
Greek Shabrunch
Shabbat brunch on Saturday, November 18th will be open to all Jewish students who are involved in Greek life at Pitt. The brunch will be from 12:30-2:30 in the William Pitt Union (room 527). Jewish students in fraternities and sororities will be shmoozing while participating in a gift swap known as “Hanukkah Harry”.
Therapy Pets at Hillel
Stop by Hillel and meet some furry friends. We will have therapy pets in the building from 7-8 on Thursday, November 16th. Don’t miss out on all the fluffiness. Roster of owners and their pets: Terry and Beatrice (therapy cat) ? Beth and Penny (therapy dog) ? Alex and Liberty (therapy dog) ?
Bagels, Brunch & Bureaucracy
Enjoy a bagel brunch and discussion at Hillel on the imperfections in our political system. How do we work with a government that may not always serve us? Is bureaucracy a necessary evil? Come hang out and talk with us! Students of all majors welcome.
Find Hillel Staff Bringing Chanukkah to Campus!
Hanukkah Latka Bar at Hillel
Israeli Brunch Hosted at CMU AEPi
Israeli style breakfast and will be cooking shakshuka.
Pasta Party
We’ve got your dinner! Stop on by to socialize with other students and enjoy a kosher dairy pasta meal, with gluten-free options.
CMU Hillel Paints
Let your creativity flow on our day off for Founder’s Day and join us on a trip to Color Me Mine funded by Hillel! We’ll be painting pottery in Squirrel Hill. Meet us at the UC Black Chairs with your student ID ready to board the bus!
Greek team meeting
Hillel Greek team meets in the Union! This is a club open to any Jewish students who are involved in a sorority or fraternity.
Greek team meeting
Hillel Greek team meets in the Union! This is a club open to any Jewish students who are involved in a sorority or fraternity.
Greek team meeting
Hillel Greek team meets in the Union! This is a club open to any Jewish students who are involved in a sorority or fraternity.
Greek team meeting
Hillel Greek team meets in the Union! This is a club open to any Jewish students who are involved in a sorority or fraternity.
Greek team meeting
Hillel Greek team meets in the Union! This is a club open to any Jewish students who are involved in a sorority or fraternity.
Challah 4 Hunger baking
Join Challah 4 Hunger each Thursday evening in baking challah, which will be sold on campus the next day – with all proceeds benefiting hunger relief organizations. Questions? Contact Jodi Tandet [email protected].
Challah 4 Hunger baking
Join Challah 4 Hunger each Thursday evening in baking challah, which will be sold on campus the next day – with all proceeds benefiting hunger relief organizations. Questions? Contact Jodi Tandet [email protected]. Note: Tonight’s bake is earlier than usual, to allow students time to prep for Challah Ball, beginning a 8pm at Peter’s Pub.
Challah 4 Hunger baking
Join Challah 4 Hunger each Thursday evening in baking challah, which will be sold on campus the next day – with all proceeds benefiting hunger relief organizations. Questions? Contact Jodi Tandet [email protected].
Challah 4 Hunger Selling at Pitt
Stop on by the WPU to buy a delicious loaf (or several!) of challah, baked by our student organization Challah for Hunger. All proceeds benefit hunger relief organizations. Questions? Contact Jodi Tandet at [email protected]
Working Group on Jewish Futurism
Working Group on Jewish Futurismn nWhile a focus on “the Jewish future” is the hallmark of our community, few visionaries are willing to encounter how future technologies are already beginning to affect the shape of Jewish life and their implications for Jewish continuity. This lab-meeting style group will meet 6 times a semester to discuss… read more
Working Group on Jewish Futurism
Working Group on Jewish Futurismn nWhile a focus on “the Jewish future” is the hallmark of our community, few visionaries are willing to encounter how future technologies are already beginning to affect the shape of Jewish life and their implications for Jewish continuity. This lab-meeting style group will meet 6 times a semester to discuss… read more
Tzedek Fellows: Week 5
The Tzedek Fellowship is designed for students with a strong commitment to social justice and an interest in activating their values through service. nnThis fellowship is open to all undergraduate students and no prior Jewish learning or experience is required. Students will spend five, one-hour sessions discussing the central themes of the Jewish traditionthat call… read more
Pitt Hillel Cabinet Elections
Join us in the Cathedral of Learning, room 221 to hear from the candidates for President and Vice President of Pitt’s student cabinet (Jewish Student Union)… then vote for the leaders of the 2018 calendar year.
No Shabbat Dinner at Hillel – DIY Shabbat Dinners on Campus
For information on how to register or attend a DIY Shabbat dinner, be in touch with Danielle at [email protected] – thank you!
CMU Speak Hebrew to Me
Come and practice your Hebrew speaking skills with your friends and Israel Fellow Elina Lipov! All skill levels welcome.nnMore Info: https://www.facebook.com/groups/168792307013744/
Challah Ball
Celebrate Hanukah with Hillel at Peter’s Pub! There will be food, dancing, music, and much more.
CMU Hillel Presents: The Schpiel
CMU Hillel presents The Schpiel! A fundraiser talent show to benefit Nechama, a Jewish nonprofit that provides natural disaster preparedness, response, and recovery services nationwide. Come watch and support your friends as they showcase their talents. The show will begin at 7 pm. Hors D’oeuvres will be provided. Tickets can be purchased for a donation… read more
“Jew It” Dinner & Activity
More info coming soon!
CMU Hillel Board Elections
Join the CMU Jewish community in helping to choose the next Hillel Board! Enjoy some delicious pizza, hear speeches, and make your voice heard. Positions include: President Vice President Logistics Chair Education Chair Networking Chair For more information, or if you are interested in running, please contact Jordan Safer: [email protected]
CMU Speak Hebrew to Me
Come and practice your Hebrew speaking skills with your friends and Israel Fellow Elina Lipov! All skill levels welcome. Meet in the CUC overlooking the pool! JOIN THE CONVERSATION! https://www.facebook.com/groups/168792307013744/
CMU Freshmen-Senior Meet & Greet (Round 2!)
Take a trip to Milky Way Kosher Pizzeria in Squirrel Hill for a great networking opportunity! Pizza will be provided.
Panthers for Israel General Body Meeting
Women's Shul Hopping Series: Part 1 (Rodef Shalom)
For the first installment of the Women's Shul Hopping Series,take a trip to Rodef Shalom! The mission of Rodef Shalom is to build and sustain a vibrant Reform Jewish community, and to be an international leader in Jewish thought and practice. Meet at the Black Chairs.
Havdalah at Hems
Celebrate Havdallah with drinks on Hillel! Stop by Hem’s for free appetizers and drinks from 8-9 Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/153227745290129
Find Hillel at Pitt’s self-care fair
Find our booth at Pitt’s self-care fair in the WPU ballroom to make your own hamsa.
Find Hillel Staff at Starbucks on Fifth
Come meet our staff, out and about on campus! We’ll be happy to catch you up on the latest Hillel happenings, discuss how you can get involved, and simply get to know you. We want to meet each and every Jewish student, so please say hi! Jodi Tandet, Director of Jewish Student Life at Pitt,… read more
Find Hillel Staff at Starbucks on Forbes & Atwood
Jodi will be at the Starbucks on Forbes & Atwood from 10:00 until 11:30am. She wants to meet each and every Jewish student, so please say hi! About our “Find Hillel Staff” series: Come meet our staff, out and about on campus. We’ll be happy to catch you up on the latest Hillel happenings, discuss how… read more
Find Hillel Staff at Starbucks on Fifth
Come meet our staff, out and about on campus! We’ll be happy to catch you up on the latest Hillel happenings, discuss how you can get involved, and simply get to know you. We want to meet each and every Jewish student, so please say hi! Jodi Tandet, Director of Jewish Student Life at Pitt,… read more
Pre-Register of Birthright Israel!!!
Pre-Register for our May 17th to May 28th trip at nwww.freeisraeltrip.org/pittsburgh
Pre-Register of Birthright Israel!!!
Pre-Register for our May 17th to May 28th trip at nwww.freeisraeltrip.org/pittsburgh
Pre-Register of Birthright Israel!!!
Pre-Register for our May 17th to May 28th trip at nwww.freeisraeltrip.org/pittsburgh
Pre-Register of Birthright Israel!!!
Pre-Register for our May 17th to May 28th trip at nwww.freeisraeltrip.org/pittsburgh
Pre-Register of Birthright Israel!!!
Pre-Register for our May 17th to May 28th trip at nwww.freeisraeltrip.org/pittsburgh
Pre-Register of Birthright Israel!!!
Pre-Register for our May 17th to May 28th trip at nwww.freeisraeltrip.org/pittsburgh
Pre-Register of Birthright Israel!!!
Pre-Register for our May 17th to May 28th trip at nwww.freeisraeltrip.org/pittsburgh
Pre-Register of Birthright Israel!!!
Pre-Register for our May 17th to May 28th trip at nwww.freeisraeltrip.org/pittsburgh
Pre-Register of Birthright Israel!!!
Pre-Register for our May 17th to May 28th trip at nwww.freeisraeltrip.org/pittsburgh
Pre-Register of Birthright Israel!!!
Pre-Register for our May 17th to May 28th trip at nwww.freeisraeltrip.org/pittsburgh
Pre-Register of Birthright Israel!!!
Pre-Register for our May 17th to May 28th trip at nwww.freeisraeltrip.org/pittsburgh
Pre-Register of Birthright Israel!!!
Pre-Register for our May 17th to May 28th trip at nwww.freeisraeltrip.org/pittsburgh
Pre-Register of Birthright Israel!!!
Pre-Register for our May 17th to May 28th trip at nwww.freeisraeltrip.org/pittsburgh
Pre-Register of Birthright Israel!!!
Pre-Register for our May 17th to May 28th trip at nwww.freeisraeltrip.org/pittsburgh
Pre-Register of Birthright Israel!!!
Pre-Register for our May 17th to May 28th trip at nwww.freeisraeltrip.org/pittsburgh
Pre-Register of Birthright Israel!!!
Pre-Register for our May 17th to May 28th trip at nwww.freeisraeltrip.org/pittsburgh
Pre-Register of Birthright Israel!!!
Pre-Register for our May 17th to May 28th trip at nwww.freeisraeltrip.org/pittsburgh
Pre-Register of Birthright Israel!!!
Pre-Register for our May 17th to May 28th trip at nwww.freeisraeltrip.org/pittsburgh
Pre-Register of Birthright Israel!!!
Pre-Register for our May 17th to May 28th trip at nwww.freeisraeltrip.org/pittsburgh
Pre-Register of Birthright Israel!!!
Pre-Register for our May 17th to May 28th trip at nwww.freeisraeltrip.org/pittsburgh
Pre-Register of Birthright Israel!!!
Pre-Register for our May 17th to May 28th trip at nwww.freeisraeltrip.org/pittsburgh
Pre-Register of Birthright Israel!!!
Pre-Register for our May 17th to May 28th trip at nwww.freeisraeltrip.org/pittsburgh
Pre-Register of Birthright Israel!!!
Pre-Register for our May 17th to May 28th trip at nwww.freeisraeltrip.org/pittsburgh
Pre-Register of Birthright Israel!!!
Pre-Register for our May 17th to May 28th trip at nwww.freeisraeltrip.org/pittsburgh
CMU JSA Board Meeting
Pre-Register of Birthright Israel!!!
Pre-Register for our May 17th to May 28th trip at nwww.freeisraeltrip.org/pittsburgh
Pre-Register of Birthright Israel!!!
Pre-Register for our May 17th to May 28th trip at nwww.freeisraeltrip.org/pittsburgh
CMU JSA Board Meeting
CMU JSA Board Meeting
CMU JSA Board Meeting
CMU JSA Board Meeting
CMU JSA Board Meeting
Challah 4 Hunger Baking
University of Pittsburgh's Challa 4 Hunger group will bake challah from scratch to sell on Friday morning. Proceeds from the sales go to Mazon and to the Squirrel Hill Food Pantry. Come learn to make challah and hang out with friends!nnThis event is open to all students from all schools.
Challah 4 Hunger Baking
University of Pittsburgh's Challa 4 Hunger group will bake challah from scratch to sell on Friday morning. Proceeds from the sales go to Mazon and to the Squirrel Hill Food Pantry. Come learn to make challah and hang out with friends!nnThis event is open to all students from all schools.
Challah 4 Hunger Baking
University of Pittsburgh's Challa 4 Hunger group will bake challah from scratch to sell on Friday morning. Proceeds from the sales go to Mazon and to the Squirrel Hill Food Pantry. Come learn to make challah and hang out with friends!nnThis event is open to all students from all schools.
Challah 4 Hunger Baking
University of Pittsburgh's Challa 4 Hunger group will bake challah from scratch to sell on Friday morning. Proceeds from the sales go to Mazon and to the Squirrel Hill Food Pantry. Come learn to make challah and hang out with friends!nnThis event is open to all students from all schools.
Challah 4 Hunger Baking
University of Pittsburgh's Challa 4 Hunger group will bake challah from scratch to sell on Friday morning. Proceeds from the sales go to Mazon and to the Squirrel Hill Food Pantry. Come learn to make challah and hang out with friends!nnThis event is open to all students from all schools.
Challah 4 Hunger Baking
University of Pittsburgh's Challa 4 Hunger group will bake challah from scratch to sell on Friday morning. Proceeds from the sales go to Mazon and to the Squirrel Hill Food Pantry. Come learn to make challah and hang out with friends!nnThis event is open to all students from all schools.
Challah 4 Hunger Baking
University of Pittsburgh's Challa 4 Hunger group will bake challah from scratch to sell on Friday morning. Proceeds from the sales go to Mazon and to the Squirrel Hill Food Pantry. Come learn to make challah and hang out with friends!nnThis event is open to all students from all schools.
Challah 4 Hunger Baking
University of Pittsburgh's Challa 4 Hunger group will bake challah from scratch to sell on Friday morning. Proceeds from the sales go to Mazon and to the Squirrel Hill Food Pantry. Come learn to make challah and hang out with friends!nnThis event is open to all students from all schools.
Challah 4 Hunger Baking
University of Pittsburgh's Challa 4 Hunger group will bake challah from scratch to sell on Friday morning. Proceeds from the sales go to Mazon and to the Squirrel Hill Food Pantry. Come learn to make challah and hang out with friends!nnThis event is open to all students from all schools.
Challah 4 Hunger Baking
University of Pittsburgh's Challa 4 Hunger group will bake challah from scratch to sell on Friday morning. Proceeds from the sales go to Mazon and to the Squirrel Hill Food Pantry. Come learn to make challah and hang out with friends!nnThis event is open to all students from all schools.
Challah 4 Hunger Baking
University of Pittsburgh's Challa 4 Hunger group will bake challah from scratch to sell on Friday morning. Proceeds from the sales go to Mazon and to the Squirrel Hill Food Pantry. Come learn to make challah and hang out with friends!nnThis event is open to all students from all schools.
Challah 4 Hunger Baking
University of Pittsburgh's Challa 4 Hunger group will bake challah from scratch to sell on Friday morning. Proceeds from the sales go to Mazon and to the Squirrel Hill Food Pantry. Come learn to make challah and hang out with friends!nnThis event is open to all students from all schools.
Challah 4 Hunger Baking
University of Pittsburgh's Challa 4 Hunger group will bake challah from scratch to sell on Friday morning. Proceeds from the sales go to Mazon and to the Squirrel Hill Food Pantry. Come learn to make challah and hang out with friends!nnThis event is open to all students from all schools.
Challah 4 Hunger Baking
University of Pittsburgh's Challa 4 Hunger group will bake challah from scratch to sell on Friday morning. Proceeds from the sales go to Mazon and to the Squirrel Hill Food Pantry. Come learn to make challah and hang out with friends!nnThis event is open to all students from all schools.